Science Is In Our Nature - Learning from Dr Purser

Science Is In Our Nature - Learning from Dr Purser
One of the highlights of this year's Young Living Convention was hearing Dr Dan Purser speak during the Science Is Our Nature series. I knew that Dr Purser worked with our founder Gary Young to formulate our beloved Progessence Plus serum (if you don't know about it, please ask!) but I learned he also helped research and formulate Prenolone Plus Cream , PD 80/20, and Master Formula. He spoke from the stage about hormone health and then sat in the lobby and answered questions literally until people were done asking. I listened for over an hour, video taped some of it, and have listened and taken notes from it. 
The answer for so many questions was vitamin deficiencies. 

Several in the group gathered around him teared up when a beautiful young woman said "My one sister has six kids, and my other sister has five and I can't get pregnant."  He explained that he sees many couples who are IVF fails, and has emails from several of them who now have children. He asked if she was tired all the time, she said yes, and he said it was likely a vitamin deficiency. He suggested 60 days of Master Formula and if she wasn't feeling better, to get a Cellular Micronutrient Assay (CMA) that measures over 100 different vitamins, minerals and amino acids at the cellular level. A woman piped up and said I have a baby because of you and everyone cheered. We could see the hope in that childless woman's eyes. It was an amazing moment. 

So much more...notes I scribbled, protocols he suggested, explaining what supplement or serum was good for particular hormone levels that needed to be balanced. I will share more in a few days! 

For now, here is a list of the top YL products for hormone and thyroid health. 

I would encourage everyone interested in natural health options, hormone or thyroid related issues, or menopause to check out Dr Purser on Facebook, as well as his blog posts and podcasts. 

Love and blessings- Karrie